41 Korea Trading

Main products: Consumer Electronics Hydraulic Seals: MSJA-ID80; 90; 100; 120 Protein powder; MP3 players; bodybuilding supplements

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41Korea Trading offers a diverse line of products ranging from protein powders, MP3 players, hydraulic seals. Anything and everything that can be exported and imported. We specialize in You, the customer: Our first priority. If you need anything from South Korea, let us be your first, last and only stop in providing and supplying you with the needed products that you need.

Basic Information

Business TypeTrading Company
Company Name41 Korea Trading
Factory LocationBojun Bldg, West Annex 8th Floor,70-7, Non-hyun Dong, Kang Nam Gu, Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Main MarketsNorth America , South America , Eastern Europe
Main ProductsConsumer Electronics Hydraulic Seals: MSJA-ID80; 90; 100; 120 Protein powder; MP3 players; bodybuilding supplements
Number of Workers101 - 200 People
We ProvideConsumer Electronics Hydraulic Seals: MSJA-ID80; 90; 100; 120 Protein powder; MP3 players; bodybuilding supplements
Year Established2004

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